ok...i give up....
can this be done? (sql server 2000)
all i want to do is have my stored procedure output some data to a file and i want the filename to include a time stamp.
here's my current working file output code:
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp "select * from CEData..employee" queryout "c:\employees.txt" -c -Usa -P'
i'd like it to be something like this:
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp "select * from CEData..employee" queryout "c:\employees" + datetime + ".txt" -c -Usa -P'
but nothing seems to work.
|||You might also want to convert to string..
EXEC .... + CONVERT(Varchar, getdate()) + ...
|||Bah, I always forget the little things :P
3 cheers for error checking!
Bah, I always forget the little things :P
3 cheers for error checking!
I know.. been there.. plenty of times..
i just can not seem to get the syntax correct.
i've tried:
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp "select * from CEData..employee" queryout "c:\employees" + CONVERT(Varchar, getdate()) + ".txt" -c -Usa -P'
error: (unknown argument '+' on command line)
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp "select * from CEData..employee" queryout "c:\employees' + CONVERT(Varchar, getdate()) + '.txt" -c -Usa -P'
error: (Incorrect syntax near '+')
it always chokes on the '+'
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp "select * from CEData..employee" queryout"c:\employees" + CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), getdate()) + ".txt" -c -Usa -P'f
But... I've never seen double quotes actually work in SQL. Would there be any errors on that front?
|||Concatenation does not work very well with xp_cmdshell.
Declare a variable, do the concatenation and use the variable.
Declare @.Sqlvarchar(500)Set @.sql ='bcp "select * from CEData..employee" queryout "c:\employees" + CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), getdate()) + ".txt" -c -Usa -P'EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @.sql|||
same ole error...
Unknown argument '+' on command line.
this appeared to work....but in the end, no file exists:
declare @.james as varchar
set @.james = 'c:\employees' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), getdate()) + '.txt'
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp "select * from CEData..employee" queryout @.james -c -Usa -P'
it runs and says "746 rows copied" but no file exists on the c drive
by the way...this works but doesn't provide a timestamp:
declare @.james as varchar
set @.james = 'c:\employees' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), getdate()) + '.txt'
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp "select * from CEData..employee" queryout "c:\employees.txt" -c -Usa -P'
Note: put the server name appropriately:
Set@.sql='bcp "select * from CEData..employee" queryout "c:\employees'+CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),getdate())+'.txt" -c -Usa -P -s"ServerName"'
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @.sql
sooooo close.....
i tried your suggestion, and now it runs, says "746 rows copied"...
and when i look at the file, the name is: employeesOct 24 2007 3
and has 0 bytes
so...the date is getting truncated and there is no data.
did you try this and it worked?
|||Yes I could get it to work by changing the db/table/server names. Did you use varchar(X) like I mentioned or did you exclude the size/length part as I noticed in your earlier post?
|||i did it exactly as you typed it
i don't know why it works for you but not me. i get a truncated filename and no data
|||The spaces and the colon in the timestamp is whats throwing off. Try this:
SET@.fname='c:\'+Replace(replace(CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),getdate()),' ','_'),':','_')+'.txt'
Set@.sql='bcp "select * from CEData..employee" queryout "'+@.fname+'" -c -T -S"ServerName"'
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @.sql
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