Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How can I read an Image which is in the MSSQL Server database?

How can I read an Image which is in the MSSQL Server database?Come on, Ashok, stop using the forums to research your interview questions.
You are not likely to succeed in an interview if you take this approach. Even if you did succeed in fluffing an interview and landing a programming job, what would you then do when you were given a task to complete? Jump on the forums and ask how to do it? What would you say when your boss asks why it is taking so long for you to do anything? "Sorry, boss, but I'm waiting for others to tell me how to do it."
If you want to be a programmer, you must learn how to be a programmer. The operative phrase there is that "you must learn." Open a book, or hit Google, or read the documentation--but do it yourself.
Then, if you truly get stuck and cannot find an answer, *that* is the time to ask on the forums.
|||Well said, I don't mind helping people that are stuck and want to learn, but please no short-cutters.

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