Friday, March 30, 2012

How can I report on entered and updated records

My database has many table, each table has a DateEntered (datetime), EnteredBy (nvarchar(50), LastUpdate (datetime), and LastUpdateBy (nvarachar(50). Is there an easy (ha) way to pull a list of the records that were entered and/or updated for a date range. Hopefully without a select for each table.

Maybe a tool someone knows of?


My database has many table, each table has a DateEntered (datetime), EnteredBy (nvarchar(50), LastUpdate (datetime), and LastUpdateBy (nvarachar(50). Is there an easy (ha) way to pull a list of the records that were entered and/or updated for a date range. Hopefully without a select for each table.

Maybe a tool someone knows of?

You mean without doing a SELECT on the tables? Check out some log reader tools - Red Gate has one.. perhaps there are others..but then they only have so many transactions and not your entire database..

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