Sunday, February 19, 2012

How can I find the allocated size of an index?

I ran sp_statistics on a table and the indexes were displayed along with the
SIZE of the table, but the index SIZE's are NULL. I ran statistics on the
table and the indexes SIZE's remained NULL. So what's the trick to obtain the
size of an indexe's allocation?
Snake wrote:
> I ran sp_statistics on a table and the indexes were displayed along
> with the SIZE of the table, but the index SIZE's are NULL. I ran
> statistics on the table and the indexes SIZE's remained NULL. So
> what's the trick to obtain the size of an indexe's allocation?
> Thanks
> Michael
See "Estimating the Size of a Table with a Clustered Index" in BOL for
all required calculations.
David Gugick
Imceda Software
|||Try using sp_MSindexspace. It's not documented but it's reasonably simple.
It will give the size on nonclustered indexes.
"Snake" <> wrote in message
>I ran sp_statistics on a table and the indexes were displayed along with
> SIZE of the table, but the index SIZE's are NULL. I ran statistics on the
> table and the indexes SIZE's remained NULL. So what's the trick to obtain
> the
> size of an indexe's allocation?
> Thanks
> Michael
|||Thanks Danny!

> Try using sp_MSindexspace. It's not documented but it's reasonably simple.
> It will give the size on nonclustered indexes.
> "Snake" <> wrote in message

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