Monday, February 27, 2012

How can I get the port of a named instance of SQL Server

Thanks for Microsoft's Windows XP Service Pack 2 and Windows Server 2003 that make the security much stronger. However, besides the invisible benefit so far, I have become the victim of this security policy.

I have several named instances of SQL 7/2000 installed in my machine. They are not visible out of the Microsoft new fire wall. I need to access the instances from outside the fire wall, but I don't know which port I should open for the instances.

From SQL online, the default instance of SQL server is connected through TCP/IP by default port 1433. I could successful open that port and made the default instance visible to outside. However, the port 1433 doesn't work for the named instances. SQL online said, the port for named instance is dynamically (by default) chosen the first time the instance is started. So, actually, I have no way to know the port.

Is there anyway that I can check the database or somewhere to get the port that is used by the named instance?

Thanks for any input and recommendation.> I am the first victim of this security policy.

don't kid yourself. a lot of people have been caught out - many by inadequate preparation or by a simple naivete. your problem seems more of an actual gotcha though.

try turning off the firewall and doing a netstat -a|||Hi, Atrax, thanks for your input. But, ...|||wtf? I didn't follow that at all.|||Never mind.

By the way, I got the solution for the original question. Using SQL Server Network Utility can find all ports for default and named instances.

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