Sunday, February 19, 2012

How can I get a table reference knowing his name inside a system f

I want to call the system function
DBCC CHECKIDENT( ) inside a stored procedure which takes as an input
parameter a @.TableName varchar variable represanting the table's name.
DBCC CHECKIDENT( ) requires as input the table object, while I have the
table string name.
Is there any way that I can get the table object using its string name
inside the DBCC CHECKIDENT() function ?
Create procedure procName (@.TableName varchar)
DBCC CHECKIDENT( theTableObject , RESEED, 100)
end;Aigiris, Try using the OBJECT_ID function. From the BOL below. - RLF
Returns the database object identification number.
OBJECT_ID ( 'object' )
"Argiris Petromelidis" <Argiris>
wrote in message
>I want to call the system function
> DBCC CHECKIDENT( ) inside a stored procedure which takes as an input
> parameter a @.TableName varchar variable represanting the table's name.
> DBCC CHECKIDENT( ) requires as input the table object, while I have the
> table string name.
> Is there any way that I can get the table object using its string name
> inside the DBCC CHECKIDENT() function ?
> example
> Create procedure procName (@.TableName varchar)
> begin
> ........
> DBCC CHECKIDENT( theTableObject , RESEED, 100)
> ......
> end;|||Hi
You may want to try using dynamic SQL e.g.
CREATE PROCEDURE MyCheck ( @.objectname sysname )
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(@.objectname)
AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
AND EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM dbo.syscolumns WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(@.objectname)
AND COLUMNPROPERTY(id,name,'IsIdentity') = 1)
DECLARE @.cmd varchar(8000)
SET @.cmd = 'DBCC CHECKIDENT( ''' + QUOTENAME(@.objectname) + ''', RESEED,
EXEC (@.cmd)
"Argiris Petromelidis" wrote:

> I want to call the system function
> DBCC CHECKIDENT( ) inside a stored procedure which takes as an input
> parameter a @.TableName varchar variable represanting the table's name.
> DBCC CHECKIDENT( ) requires as input the table object, while I have the
> table string name.
> Is there any way that I can get the table object using its string name
> inside the DBCC CHECKIDENT() function ?
> example
> Create procedure procName (@.TableName varchar)
> begin
> ........
> DBCC CHECKIDENT( theTableObject , RESEED, 100)
> ......
> end;

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